Here is my blog#1

so hello! my birthday is comin up! like next month on the 5th!!! do do do do do do do do! any way! thanks for comin to my blog! i will talk about my day......
once upon a tiime
along time ago
like at 8:30
i was left alone! in my apt! boooooo! my mom went to work and my brothers doin summer school! bla!!! any way so all day i was watchin tv, on facebook, i made a twitter! yay twitter!( high voice!) umm her are my faveorite youtubers:

IJUSTINE! the funniest! she talks about the randomest stuff! she is never afraid to do anythin! do anythin!

Shane Dawson! hes funnny to! he has funny spoofs!

Computerned01! my friend showed me his videos! its so funny!

Totaly Sketch

Joe Nation

and did i for get to say???
IJUSTINE!!!!!!!  kk well i have to finish editin my website so peace out and luv ya!!!

I love justin bieber
Fund me on
maby myspace
and ill tell more layta!